Upcoming Scheduled PD
- ICTM Southern Section State Math Conference (K-12th grade)
- Thursday, February 13th 9-2:30 pm (John A. Logan College in Carterville, IL)
- Registration and payment (4.5 PD credit to all attendees)
- Description: For an updated program, check out this link. (Note: Dr. Kelly Remijan from ROE40 was asked to present at this conference. She will be representing ROE40 leading two sessions #1 "Engaging Students with Number Talks to Build Number Sense (K-5)" and #2 "Best Practices for Math Instruction (6-12)". If you are interested in having her present at your school, please contact her at [email protected].
- STEM & Careers: Engineers at Work (In Celebration of National Engineers Week)
- Thursday, February 20th, 3:30-4:30 pm (Virtual, FREE)
- Hosted by ROE 40 CTE/STEM Initiatives in partnership with STEM-STL & the Illinois Math & Science Academy
- Presented by Benneth Perez (Engineer at Boeing with Degrees in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering), Danielle Bowles-Martin (Engineer at John Bean Technology and Entrepreneur with a Degree in Chemical Engineering), & Isaac McAdams (Engineering Student at Missouri Univerity Science & Technology majoring in Nuclear Engineering)
- Registration (1 IL PD credit to all attendees)
- Description: In celebration of National Engineers Week occuring in February, teachers will learn about STEM & careers involving nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering, and mechanical engineering. Current engineers in the field, along with an engineering student in his final year of university, will present LIVE via Zoom sharing what they do, how math & science is applied in their field, what technology is used, qualities/skills/training needed for the job, how they got interested in pursuing their careers, professional organizations they belong to, an example of an activity that teachers can do to connect engineering to the classroom, and suggestions on how to encourage students to consider engineering as a profession. Following the presentation, time remaining will be given for teachers to ask questions. Don't miss this great opportunity to increase your knowledge & take back what you learn to broaden your students' knowledge of class to career connections!
- STEM Educator Field Trup to SIUE
- Wednesday, March 12th, 8:30 am -11:00 am, SIUE, FREE)
- Led by Lisa Schwartz in collaboration with SIUE
- Registration (2.5 IL PD Credit)
- Description: The STEM Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville provides a variety of programming and services to broaden STEM education throughout the region. From organizing and hosting engaging STEM events to developing and testing innovative curricula, the team of researchers, educators, and creators works to define best practices in STEM initiatives. Visit the SIUE STEM Center to see the equipment lending library, try some of the hands-on demonstrations, and talk with our STEM education staff about recent projects and opportunities to partner!
- Literacy and Math Across the Curriculum
- Thursday, March 27th, 3:30-4:30 pm (Virtual, FREE)
- Led by Amber Nash (ELA Specialist for ROE40) & Kelly Remijan (Math Specialist for ROE40)
- Registration (1 IL PD credit to all attendees)
- Description: Prek-5th grade teachers will gain new strategies, activities, and resources to help integrate literacy and math connections across the curriculum.
- Drones in the Classroom: Coding, STEM, & Preparing for the Future
- Tuesday, April 1st, 9-3:30 pm (Jerseyville ROE, FREE)
- Led by Lisa Schwartz (LTC-West Central Illinois)
- Registration (5.5 IL PD credit to all attendees)
Description: The use of drones is rapidly expanding across various industries, presenting new and exciting opportunities for students to engage in STEM learning and develop skills relevant to the future workforce. This hands-on workshop will explore how codeable drones can be seamlessly integrated into the classroom to foster coding skills, spark an interest in STEM, and prepare students for the ever-changing technological landscape. This workshop is only open to the first 10 registrants!
- Math & Machining (5th-12th grade)
- Thursday, April 10th, 9-3:30 pm (Carlinville ROE, FREE)
- Led by Kelly Remijan in collaboration with Southwestern Illinois College
- Registration (5.5 IL PD credit to all attendees)
Description: Teachers (5th-12th grade) with no prior knowledge of CNC machines, also known as Computer Numerical Machines, will learn how CNC machinines can be used to connect math concepts and problem solving to other curriculum associated with computer programming, technology, and science. Teachers will gain hands-on experience by participating in lessons involving the graphing of ordered pairs to create shapes and symbols leading to a final project where they will create their own design, generate a computer program, and utilize CNC machine to cut out their design they will proudly take home. Teachers will learn about pathways and career opportunities and will tour a local machining company to discover career connections that will increase students' knowledge of class to career connections! Attendees should bring their own laptop!
- Tinkercad & Other Tech Tools to Engage Students with STEM Concepts (4th-12th grade)
- Thursday, May 8th, 9-3:30 pm (Carlinville ROE, FREE)
- At least 10 registrants need be signed up by April 24th in order for the workshop to occur!
- Co-led by Kelly Remijan (ROE 40), Lisa Schwartz (LTC-West Central Illinois)
- Registration (5.5 PD credit to all attendees)
- Description: Teachers (4th-12th grade) will explore how to incorporate Tinkercad into the math, science, or computer classroom. Teachers will design their very own object with TinkerCad which will be printed using a 3D printer. Teachers will learn about Spheros and also discover free tech tools (pattern blocks, sweethome3d, flipanim, Phet.Colorado.EDU, Physlets.org/tracker, GIS, Desmos) that add in the teaching, learning, and application of STEM topics. Classroom teachers and technology teachers can attend this workshop together or individually. Attendees should bring their own laptop!
- Bringing Space to the Midwest: Transforming K-12 Classrooms into Launchpads for Space Exploration through Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Career Connections
- Thursday, June 12th, 9-3:30 pm (Jerseyville ROE, FREE)
- At least 12 registrants need be signed up by May 29th in order for the workshop to occur!
- Led by Jackie Blumer
- Registration (5.5 IL PD credit to all attendees)
- Description: K-12 teachers will explore Space connections in this interactive workshop where they will learn how to bring real-world STEM and math applications into their classrooms through practical strategies, hands-on activities, and free resources to inspire students through space science, engineering, and mathematics. Led by an experienced STEM educator and space advocate, this interactive workshop will include: 1) A Broad Overview of Space Education: Discover the latest missions, emerging technologies, and the growing role of space in our everyday lives, 2) Math in Space: Explore how math is essential to space exploration, from calculating rocket trajectories to designing space habitats and analyzing planetary data, 3) Space & STEM Careers: Learn about the diverse career paths in aerospace, engineering, and space science, and how to connect students with real-world opportunities, 4) Hands-On Classroom Activities: Engage in space-themed engineering challenges, coding simulations, and model-building exercises adaptable for all grade levels, 5), Free Resources & Support: Gain access to no-cost educational materials and classroom programs from organizations like NASA, AIAA, Space Foundation, and Limitless Space Institute, 6) Implementation & Funding: Learn how to integrate space education into your curriculum and discover funding sources to support your efforts.
- Summer of STEM & AG Institute
- June 17th AND June 18th (Location TBD, FREE)
- More info to come!
- Registration: To come
- Description: To come.
- Other Potential PD Topics (PLCs, PD presentations, or workshops)
- Engaging Students with Number Talks to Develop Number Sense (K-5th grade)
- Building Math Skills & Making Math Connections Across the Curriculum (K-5th grade)
- Activities & Connections to STEAM Up the Math Classroom (6th-12th grade)
- Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics (5th-12th grade)
- Engaging Students & Connecting Math Across All Subjects (K-12th grade, teachers of all subjects)
- Making Math Delicious (K-5th grade or (6-12th grade)
- Design-Focused Projects to Enhance Student Motivation & STEM Learning (6th-12th grade)
- Brainstorming & Planning for STEM Night (K-5th grade)
- PD Playtime w/ Tech - Activities using Tech to Engage Students with Math Concepts (K-5th grade)
- Aviation Integration: Math Concepts & Career Connections (4th-12th grade)
- Math & Construction (5th-12th grade)
- Aviation Integration (4th-12th grade)
- Math & Machining (5th-12th grade)
- STEM & Our Military (5th-12th grade)
- Designed-Focused Projects to Motivate & Engage Students (6th-12th)
- Math & Crash Reconstruction (8th-12th grade)
- PD Play Time w/ Tech - Home Sweet 3D (4th-12th grade)
- Be Recognized as a Teacher Leader of Mathematics (K-12th grade)
- Let's Talk Math: Open Middle Math (Elementary, Middle School, or High School)
- Let's Talk Math: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly (K-5th grade, 6th-8th grade, or 9th-12th grade)
- Potential Future PD Topics
- Math Along the River (TBD)
- Math on the Farm (TBD)
- Math at Work: CAD Connections and Welding Wonders
- Previous PD
- *Math Monday for Elementary Teachers (September Session) - Unlocking Mathematical Thinking: Number Sense Routines for All Learners
- Monday, September 30th, 3:30-4:30 pm (Virtual)
- Co-Presented by Toni Galassini, Professional Learning Specialist-Chicago Public Schools, EC-6th ICTM Director & Shanteau Allen, Math Specialist & EC-6 ICTM Director
- Hosted in Collaboration with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM)
- *Registration (1 PD credit given to **ICTM Members.)
- **Note: ROE 40 is partnering with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM) to offer 1-year FREE ICTM memberships to teachers who teach within the ROE 40 region and are new to ICTM or would like to re-connect to ICTM. Teachers from the ROE 40 region who are not already ICTM members should contact Kelly Remijan ([email protected]), on or before October 11th, to receive a special code that will allow them to join ICTM at no cost, connect to a network of resources across the state, and receive PD credit for attending this webinar and future PD events hosted in collaboration by ROE 40 & ICTM.
- Description: Are you looking for purposeful and discussion-rich number sense routines to support students with building flexibility with numbers, deepening their understanding of operations, promoting student discourse, and addressing gaps in prior learning? Number sense involves subitizing, comparison, counting, one-to-one correspondence, cardinality, and other concepts. It also lays the foundation for place value, estimation, computation, and algebraic reasoning skills. Join us as we explore engaging math routines that will have your students learning and having fun as you launch a lesson!his webinar is part of the ICTM "Math Mondays for Elementary Teachers" fall series occuring 1x each month. The webinar is free to everyone but only ICTM members are eligible to receive 1 hour of IL PD credit for attending.
- *Math Monday for Elementary Teachers (September Session) - Unlocking Mathematical Thinking: Number Sense Routines for All Learners
- *Unlock the Power of AI in Your Math Classroom!
- Thursday, October 2nd, 7:00 - 8:00 pm (Virtual)
- Presented by Kevin Hopkins, Senior Training Specialist at Next Level Solutions, Former Math Teacher
- Hosted in Collaboration with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM)
- Description: AI is taking the world by storm, but where does it fit in your math classroom? This session explores three cutting-edge AI chat tools—ChatGPT, ClaudeAI, and Google Gemini—and shows you how to harness their power. Discover how to craft smart prompts that can help you build course outlines, design engaging lesson plans, create dynamic presentations, and even tailor assessments to your students' needs. Enhance your teaching with AI, one prompt at a time! This webinar is free to everyone but ICTM members are eligible to receive 1 hour of IL PD Credit for attending
- *Registration (1 PD credit given to **ICTM Members.)
- **Note: ROE 40 is partnering with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM) to offer 1-year FREE ICTM memberships to teachers who teach within the ROE 40 region and are new to ICTM or would like to re-connect to ICTM. Teachers from the ROE 40 region who are not already ICTM members should contact Kelly Remijan ([email protected]), on or before October 11th, to receive a special code that will allow them to join ICTM at no cost, connect to a network of resources across the state, and receive PD credit for attending this webinar and future PD events hosted in collaboration by ROE 40 & ICTM. .
- *Math Monday for Elementary Teachers (October Session)- Opening Up Math Problems
- Monday, October 21st, 3:30-4:30 pm (Virtual)
- Hosted in Collaboration with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM)
- Presented by Annie Forest, Experienced Educator, Finalist for the Presidential Award Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching, Former ICTM President, & Consultant
- Description: Can a math problem have more than 1 right answer? Yes! Open problems encourage critical thinking, creativity, and communication. This webinar will explore ways to use more open problems using your current math materials and give access to grade-level math to all students.
- **Registration info (1 PD credit to all **ICTM Members)
- **Note: ROE 40 is partnering with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM) to offer 1-year FREE ICTM memberships to teachers who teach within the ROE 40 region and are new to ICTM or would like to re-connect to ICTM. Teachers from the ROE 40 region who are not already ICTM members should contact Kelly Remijan ([email protected]) ASAP to receive a special code that will allow them to join ICTM at no cost, connect to a network of resources across the state, and receive PD credit for attending this webinar and future PD events hosted in collaboration by ROE 40 & ICTM.
- Integrating Computer Science in Grade 3-8
- Tuesday, October 22nd, 3:30-5:00 pm (Virtual)
- Hosted in Collaboration with the ROE 45
- Presented by Sarah Phelps, Illinois Learning Technology Center
- Registration (1.5 PD credit to all attendees)
- Description: Discover engaging CS lessons for grades 3-8 to introduce students to CS concepts & tools while complementing existing lessons related to reading, math, social studies, and science lessons
- STEM & Career Connections- Police Work & STEM Connections: Crash Reconstruction & Crime Scene Investigation
- Thursday, November 7, 2024, 3:30-4:30 pm (Virtual)
- Hosted by ROE 40 CTE/STEM Initiatives in collaboration with the Illinois State Police
- Presented by Master Sgt Bradley Brachear (Crash Reconstruction Div) & Acting Master Sgt Leslee Nissen (CSI)
- Registration (1 IL PD credit to all attendees)
- Description: Did you know that National STEM Day is in November and National Career Development Month is in November?! As such, November is a perfect time for teachers to learn about various STEM-related careers and to highlight interdisciplinary connections within math, science, or CTE classes. With the help of the Illinois State Police, teachers will learn about STEM careers connected to police work involving crash reconstruction & crime scene investigation. Officers from the Illinois State police will lead a live powerpoint presentation sharing what they do, qualities/skills/training needed for the job, how math & science is applied in their field, what technology is used, how they got interested in pursuing their careers, and suggestions for teachers on how they can help introduce or prepare students for the career, activities, etc. Following the presentation, time will be given for teachers to ask questions. Don't miss this great opportunity to increase your knowledge & take back what you learn to broaden your students' knowledge of class to career connections!
- Building Math Skills & Making Math Connections Across the Curriculum (K-5th grade)
- Thursday, Nov 14th, 9-3:30 pm (Jerseyville ROE)
- Led by Kelly Remijan, Math Instruction/Professional Development Specialist, ROE 40
- Registration (5.5 IL PD credit to all attendees)
- Description: K-5th grade teachers will discover math connections and hands-on activities that can help students develop math skills as well as connect mathematical concepts to science, social studies, engineering, art, and everyday play involving: catapults, candy, flags, helicopters, superpower wristbands, etc. Math concepts include: counting, addition/subtraction/multiplication/division, polygons, circles, 3D shapes, nets, geometric analysis, data collecting/making graphs, perimeter, area, volume, fractions, angles, measurement, etc.
- Activities & Connections to STEAM Up the Math Classroom (6th-12th Grade)
- Thursday, Nov 21st, 9-3:30 pm (Jerseyville ROE)
- Led by Kelly Remijan, Math Instruction/Professional Development Specialist, ROE 40
- Registration (5.5 ILPD credit to all attendees)
- Description: 6th-12th grade math teachers will discover activities & tech to integrate science, tech, engineering, and art connections with math concepts to make math more meaningful for students. Activities/Tech involve Barbie/Ken, Golden Ratio, Google Sheets, Desmos, Phylets.org/Tracker, Bouncing Balls, Propeller Cars, Catapults, and so much more. Math concepts addressed include: Ratios and ratio reasoning to solve problems; measuring, collecting data, graphing scatterplots, recognizing linear relationships, exploring non-linear relationships, solving equations; creating tables, regressions, and more. Attendees should bring their own laptop!
- *Math Monday for Elementary Teachers (November Session) Using Literature to Launch into Math
- Monday, November, 25th, 3:30-4:30 pm (Virtual)
- Hosted in Collaboration with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM)
- Presented by Maura Brueggmann, Math Coach/Interventionist, & Erin Connolly, Reading Coach/Interventionist, teachers leaders at Whiteside Elementary School in Belleville, IL
- Description: Be prepared to launch into math via the language strand of Scarborough’s rope. Using math literature, we will explore vocabulary in order to provide our students with the background knowledge necessary to be successful with math concepts.
- **Registration info (1 IL PD credit to all **ICTM Members)
- **Note: ROE 40 is partnering with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM) to offer 1-year FREE ICTM memberships to teachers who teach within the ROE 40 region and are new to ICTM or would like to re-connect to ICTM. Teachers from the ROE 40 region who are not already ICTM members should contact Kelly Remijan ([email protected]) ASAP to receive a special code that will allow them to join ICTM at no cost, connect to a network of resources across the state, and receive PD credit for attending this webinar and future PD events hosted in collaboration by ROE 40 & ICTM.
- *Math Monday for Elementary Teachers (December Session) Context is Critical: K-5 Three-Act Math Tasks
- Monday, December, 9th, 3:30-4:30 pm (Virtual)
- Hosted in Collaboration with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM)
- Description: Mathematicians view mathematics within interesting and natural contexts. In this session, participants will engage and explore Three-Act Math Tasks; a story-telling pedagogical strategy that elicits student curiosity, collaboration, and questioning while redefining the term “real-world context” and the role that students play in the learning process. Resources will be provided!!
- **Registration Information (1 IL PD credit to all **ICTM Members)
- **Note: ROE 40 is partnering with the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM) to offer 1-year FREE ICTM memberships to teachers who teach within the ROE 40 region and are new to ICTM or would like to re-connect to ICTM. Teachers from the ROE 40 region who are not already ICTM members should contact Kelly Remijan ([email protected]) ASAP to receive a special code that will allow them to join ICTM at no cost, connect to a network of resources across the state, and receive PD credit for attending this webinar and future PD events hosted in collaboration by ROE 40 & ICTM.
- High School (9-12) Math Curriculum & More Roundtable
- Tuesday, December 10th, 9:00 - 10:30 am (Virtual)
- Hosted by ROE 40
- Facilitated by Kelly Remijan, ROE 40 STEM Initiatives Director
- Registration (1.5 IL PD credit to all attendees)
- Description: ROE 40 will host a virtual HIGH SCHOOL MATH roundtable, via Zoom, for districts to have the opportunity to share and discuss high school math curriculum, math classes offered to students, systems in place to help Tier 3 and special needs students to complete Algebra and Geometry, advanced placement classes/partnerships, challenges, celebrations, strategies for recruiting/developing/retaining math teachers, etc. Dr. Kelly Remijan, former high school math teacher, Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board Member, and current ROE40 STEM Intiatives Director, will also share math-focused resources, services being offered to ROE40 schools, and tips for helping teachers be recognized as teacher leaders of mathematics. Math teacher leaders, department chairs, curriculum directors, instructional coaches, principals, superintendents, etc. are invited! Districts are encouraged to have at least one representative to share information. Attendees will receive 1.5 PD hours. A zoom link will be provided when registering.
- How to Launch and Sustain a Successful STEM Club
- Thursday, January 23rd, 3:30-4:30 pm (Virtual, FREE)
- Hosted by ROE 40 STEM Initiatives in partnership with STEM-STL & the Illinois Math & Science Academy
- Presented by Jackie Blumer (STEM Trailblazer Educator of the Year, 6th Grade Science Teacher at Greenville Junior High School, & STEM Club Sponsor)
- Registration (1 PD credit to all attendees who pre-register)
- Description: This presentation will guide educators and program leaders through the essential steps of creating and maintaining a successful STEM club that inspires students to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Drawing on over 25 years of experience in education, award-winning educator Jackie Blumer will share practical insights into 1) Establishing a clear mission and goals that align with student interests, 2) Integrating interdisciplinary projects that foster critical thinking and innovation, 3) Building partnerships with local and global STEM organizations to expand resources and provide mentorship opportunities, 4) Securing funding and materials through grants, sponsorships, and community support, 5) Engaging students in hands-on activities that spark curiosity and promote STEM career pathways, 6) Creating inclusive environments that encourage participation from underrepresented groups. Participants will leave equipped with proven strategies, access to valuable resources, and a renewed commitment to fostering student enthusiasm for STEM learning.
- NCTM National Math Conference (Prek-12)
- Wednesday, February 5th-7th (Kansas City, MO)
- Registration and payment (for PD credit, email [email protected] BEFORE registering)
- Description: For session descriptions, go to this link. (Note: Dr. Kelly Remijan from ROE40 was selected to present at this conference where she will be representing ROE40 leading her session on "STEM & Our Military: Engaging Students with Math Concepts". If you are interested in having her present at your school, please contact her at [email protected].
- Stay tuned...
For more info regarding
ROE 40 STEM Initiatives,
please contact:
Dr. Kelly Remijan
Director of STEM Initiatives
[email protected]
ROE 40 STEM Initiatives,
please contact:
Dr. Kelly Remijan
Director of STEM Initiatives
[email protected]