Macoupin County Schools 1900 - 1930
There is a wealth of information here for those wishing to search through school records to learn about schools and students in Macoupin County in the early 20th century. Persons who know the name or number of a school in which they are interested may easily go to the list of schools by name or number and click on that school.
If the general location of a school is all that is known, the researcher may go to the appropriate township and find the approximate area on the map where the school was located and see the number corresponding to that area. That number indicates the school district number. Then, the schools are listed on the page with the map by name and by number. Click on the school of interest.
Once a researcher has reached the records of the school he/she wants to explore, the information available for most schools includes:
• Pictures of the schools, most from 1911-1913;
• Preliminary classification/first week classification (fall registration records);
• Report of classifications, standing, advancement and attendance (spring records); *Researchers should check both spring and fall records for complete information.
• Teachers’ annual reports to the County Superintendent of Schools which include numbers of students, condition of buildings, teacher salaries, etc. (These records are included from 1912-1948.);
• Physician’s reports from 1927-1929;
• Undated lists of members of boards of directors;
• Miscellaneous documents that may include reports to boards of directors concerning school visits by the County Superintendent of Schools, reports of inspections by the Department of Public Health, laboratory reports on wells, and applications for recognition.
Please visit or contact the Carlinville Public Library for more information.
If the general location of a school is all that is known, the researcher may go to the appropriate township and find the approximate area on the map where the school was located and see the number corresponding to that area. That number indicates the school district number. Then, the schools are listed on the page with the map by name and by number. Click on the school of interest.
Once a researcher has reached the records of the school he/she wants to explore, the information available for most schools includes:
• Pictures of the schools, most from 1911-1913;
• Preliminary classification/first week classification (fall registration records);
• Report of classifications, standing, advancement and attendance (spring records); *Researchers should check both spring and fall records for complete information.
• Teachers’ annual reports to the County Superintendent of Schools which include numbers of students, condition of buildings, teacher salaries, etc. (These records are included from 1912-1948.);
• Physician’s reports from 1927-1929;
• Undated lists of members of boards of directors;
• Miscellaneous documents that may include reports to boards of directors concerning school visits by the County Superintendent of Schools, reports of inspections by the Department of Public Health, laboratory reports on wells, and applications for recognition.
Please visit or contact the Carlinville Public Library for more information.
Click on the following links for details:
School Directories in Year Order
Annual directories for the given year list all county schools with teachers’ names and the grades they taught, plus members of boards of directors. Each link below will open a document in a new window. (Note: Directories for the years 1913-1914, 1925-1926, and 1926-1927 are not available.)
1912-1913 1918-1919 1923-1924
1914-1915 1919-1920 1924-1925
1915-1916 1921-1922 1927-1928
1916-1917 1922-1923 1928-1929
1917-1918 1929-1930
School Directories in Year Order
Annual directories for the given year list all county schools with teachers’ names and the grades they taught, plus members of boards of directors. Each link below will open a document in a new window. (Note: Directories for the years 1913-1914, 1925-1926, and 1926-1927 are not available.)
1912-1913 1918-1919 1923-1924
1914-1915 1919-1920 1924-1925
1915-1916 1921-1922 1927-1928
1916-1917 1922-1923 1928-1929
1917-1918 1929-1930
Additional PDFs:
Schools listed by Township w/Historical Notes
Schools listed by District Number w/Historical Notes
Schools listed in Alphabetical Order w/Historical Notes
Map of Macoupin County 2007
1938 Maps by Township (Includes Schools)
Easement Document - December 1941
City School Enrollment 1922 & 1923
Click on the green link for details